
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bill Gillespie’s Road Trip Diary – Day Three

We hopped in the Dodge Caravan bright and early this morning set out for a town called Dexter Michigan.

Why? Because that is where Dan Armstrong - the media relations guy for the Mackinac Center - is sending us to interview Vincent Vernuccio.

Mackinac is a right wing Michigan think tank. Vernuccio is its labour specialist.

When he talks about unions Vernuccio sounds a lot like Ontario Conservative leader Tim Hudak - co-incidence or not? He talks about the need to “modernize” the labour laws. How? By pressuring politicians to enact so-called “Right to Work” laws that weaken unions.

I was up-front with Dan Armstrong.

I told him we are OPSEU employees shooting a short documentary on Right to Work and that our starting point is WE DON’T LIKE IT. Not one bit! The carrot I offered however was that Mackinac would have the opportunity to speak to 130,000 OPSEU members directly.

Two days later Dan emailed me to say yes but with two conditions – 1) We would allow the Mackinac’s cameraperson to shoot us shooting the interview and 2) We would let the Mackinac Center see the finished film before it is released. Let the bargaining begin.

I said no problem to the first condition and no way to the second. 

Bob said what the heck. We’ll do it and if you want to see just a sneak preview to what Mr. Vernuccio had to say just click on our video tab. Oddly, he bears an eerie resemblance to Tim Hudak!

In the interview Vernuccio claimed the Mackinac Center is not anti-union rather it is pro-worker. At the same time demonized Union leaders as being more interested in plush vacations than serving their members.

Hmmm. Where in Ontario have we heard that before?

As the interview progressed it became even scarier. For the Mackinac Center and other right wing American think tanks, Right to Work legislation is just a first toward a future where unions are reduced to tame employee benefit associations and collective bargaining is no more.
(Note to all amateur grammarians. I did not just misspell the word Centre. Out of respect for our present geographical location, I used the American spelling Center)